dandelion, wreath, bound
Our general filter on how we view life can affect many areas of our lives. It's easy when we see flowers, but can we turn a weed perspective into a flower one?

The lens through which we view life, can affect how we experience life. This can impact many areas of our lives. From our health, to our careers, friends, family and money. Are you a “flower” perspective person, or a “weed” perspective person?

A flower person would tend to be more optimistic and a weed person would tend to be more pessimistic.

Neither is bad nor good, technically. But a flower person might tend to enjoy life a bit more and a weed person might tend to view life as more of a struggle.

The lens that we view life through can infuse our experiences with that sort of energy.

The key is balance. The right amount of weeds vs flowers. The weeds help us to define our garden (if you will).

The truth may be that the “weeds” aren’t weeds at all– that we must just work a bit more to figure out a good purpose for what we’re presented with. And we learn what we like and don’t like by sorting through the weeds and flowers. Indeed, no one even likes all flowers. And some weeds are desirable.

It’s all in your perspective. You get to define what is a weed and what is a flower in your life.


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