Radical Foundational Change in Love, Money & Power: Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Venus conjunct Pluto is a time for us to bring to our consciousness, and renegotiate, any agreements that we have made with ourselves or others concerning love, money, or power.

Transiting Venus and Pluto became conjunct on 11 December 2021 at 11:28 am EST at 25 degrees of Capricorn. This transit can bring up various topics that may feel intense for us in the moment. These topics tend to revolve around love, money, power, and personal values. 


This is a time for noticing, digging deep to uncover what is hidden, re-assessing, and then rebuilding. We have the energies that support this process with us from now through the beginning of March 2022.


Venus is also going retrograde for 40 days during this period, giving us the time to really go back and reconsider our values and our agreements with ourselves and others. I will discuss Venus retrograde more in a coming article. Here is the schedule for this period of Venus conjunct Pluto and Venus retrograde.

Venus Conjunct Pluto and Venus Retrograde Timeline

Listed below are the types of issues that can arise with this type of transit. What shows up for you (or not) depends on your own personal life experiences and natal chart.

The list is divided into two general categories:

    1. The “Constructive Realm.” While the process may feel challenging at times, generally this is a productive and helpful use of the energies, rather than negative. Even if it feels difficult, it is what you make of it that is important.
    2. The “Reflection Point.” Here is where the issues that come up may feel exceedingly difficult to deal with. Typically, this is because we are not consciously aware of what is happening. In order to transmute the Reflection Point into something that exists in the Constructive Realm, it is necessary to shine light on the matter and give it serious thought and consideration. It’s time to look into the mirror and realize that you can turn whatever is happening into something constructive, rather than destructive. This is showing you the nature of something going on within you, and giving you an opportunity to participate consciously.

Constructive Realm

    • Uncovering hidden rituals of abuse and sexual power (think about the current Ghislaine Maxwell trial)
    • Investigating abuse of power in finance (the SEC has decided to investigate hedge funds)
    • Obtaining tangible wealth through conservative values
    • Attracting new relationships for renewal and regeneration
    • Unearthing old hidden agreements brings security
    • Taking responsibility to destroy and then renew boundaries in love, money and power
    • Commitment to long-term, intense love
    • Attracting life-changing love or money
    • Revealing hidden sources of accumulated wealth
    • Bringing hidden unconscious agreements with self and others to light
    • Pulling apart and reassessing the core essence of what bonds an enduring love
    • Realizing the truth of your relationship with self and others

Reflection Point

    • Radical change in fundamental structures around love, money and power
    • Destroying rules around traditional beauty
    • Compulsive restriction in love, money & power
    • Transforming long-standing traditions in the arts
    • End of a long-standing cycle of love or power
    • Obsessive control over what you value
    • Hidden, ritual sexual abuse
    • Long-term, secret love affairs revealed dramatically
    • Betrayal in long-term relationships
    • Crisis with wealth and savings

We will have plenty of time to reflect upon and consider these issues over the next few months.

If you want to explore what areas of life this transit may be showing up for you, contact me for a natal chart consultation.

Has anything come up recently for you in the area of examining and restructuring either express or tacit agreements around love, money, or power? Let me know in the comments.


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