(Video) The Cosmic Influence on the Democratic National Convention and Kamala Harris

Video: Astrological Insights: Full Moon in Aquarius and the Democratic Convention

As the full moon rises on August 19th, coinciding with the start of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), the celestial alignments might have more in store for us than just a beautiful night sky. This full moon in Aquarius holds significant astrological implications, particularly for the convention and Kamala Harris. Let’s delve into the cosmic events and their potential impacts.

Introduction to the Full Moon in Aquarius

On August 19th, the first day of the DNC, a full moon will be at 27 degrees of Aquarius, with the sun opposite at 27 degrees of Leo. This astrological event is marked by two T-squares, creating a notable amount of tension and potential challenges. This full moon might bring intense emotions and unexpected developments, potentially stirring profound shifts.

Impact of the Full Moon on the Democratic National Convention

The full moon in Aquarius and its T-square alignment on August 19th could create a critical vibe concerning beauty and finances due to Venus entering her fall in Virgo. There may be a sense of restriction and a conflict between progress and limitation. Exact T-squares involving the moon, sun, and Uranus suggest the possibility of surprising emotional revelations. Mercury’s cazimi (when Mercury is in the heart of the sun) might have already brought some insightful, if shocking, news just before the full moon, which could influence the DNC proceedings.

Kamala Harris’ Astrological Chart Analysis

Kamala Harris’s astrological chart reveals that August 19th is a significant day for her as well. With Venus returning to her natal position in Virgo, there could be intense revelations about her past and heritage. Kamala’s Aries moon in her 11th house, which represents groups and networks, aligns harmoniously with the Aquarius full moon, suggesting positive energy for her public appearances.

Mercury, still retrograde, could prove beneficial for Harris, making her more introspective and careful with her words. The alignment of Mercury with her north node signifies that her speech at the DNC might hold a fated importance, shaping her public image.

Transits and Their Effects on Kamala Harris

Despite the beneficial aspects, there are some challenges. Saturn’s opposite her natal Venus might restrict her expression, with circumstances behind the scenes slowing down or restructuring her public persona. The sun opposing her natal Saturn points to potential authority figures challenging her. This opposition may speak to her leadership elevation but also indicates possible resistance from external authorities.

Challenges and Opportunities for Kamala Harris

The celestial transits suggest a tough day filled with tension for Harris, marked by Saturn’s restrictive nature. Additionally, the Mercury square to Uranus in the transits could bring shocking news or events during the DNC. As the convention unfolds, the moon’s conjunction with Saturn will add to the restrictive energy, compelling Harris to reassess her values and strategies.

Forecast for the Convention Days

As the DNC progresses, the energy surrounding Kamala Harris is likely to remain intense. She might have to carefully navigate her emotions and external restrictions, particularly concerning her public appearances and speeches. The astrological transits indicate a period of reflection and strategic maneuvering.

Optimal Timing for Kamala Harris’ Speech

Interestingly, the best time for Kamala Harris to deliver her speech might not be at the beginning of the convention. Astrological patterns suggest that August 21st, when Harris enters an Aries period in her zodiacal releasing, could be more favorable. This period falls in her 11th house of audience and public gatherings, indicating a stronger, more impactful presence. The absence of malefic influences during this time, coupled with approaching her lunar return, points to an optimal moment for her to address the convention.


The intersection of celestial events and political milestones often leads to intriguing interpretations. The full moon in Aquarius on the DNC’s first day, coupled with Kamala Harris’s astrological alignments, suggests a mix of challenges and opportunities. Whether one believes in astrology or not, the stars appear to be aligned for significant developments, urging Harris and the Democratic Party to navigate these cosmic influences astutely.


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