(Video) Understanding Mercury’s Influence in Astrology: A Closer Look at Donald Trump’s Cancer Mercury in the 12th House

Video: Understanding Trump: The Astrological Influence Behind His Communication | Mercury in 12H

Astrology provides a unique perspective on human behavior by examining the positions and interactions of celestial bodies. In this blog post, I want to delve into Mercury’s influence in the natal chart of former President Donald Trump, particularly when this planet is in Cancer and located in the 12th house. This placement intensifies Mercury’s innate communicative traits within an emotional and often mysterious context.

Introduction to Mercury’s Influence

In astrology, Mercury is often considered the planet of communication, intellect, and reasoning. It embodies the dual nature of the twins, Gemini, and can be both a trickster and a messenger. Donald Trump’s chart reveals that Mercury’s position plays a significant role in his communication style and personal expression.

Mercury in the 12th House

Donald Trump’s Mercury is located in the 12th house, which is traditionally understood as the house of hidden things, losses, and fears. The 12th house can signify deep-seated issues and unconscious areas of life. With Mercury ruling this house in Trump’s chart, we see a nuanced layer to his communication style. This suggests a more complex and often concealed approach to how he processes and expresses information.

Mercury in the 12th house can also point to a sense of loss or fear related to communication, perhaps indicating that Trump feels a need to shield his true thoughts and emotions. This hidden element might manifest as statements that can seem disconnected or emotionally charged.

Emotional Expression and Protection

When Mercury is in the emotional water sign of Cancer, it adds another dimension. Cancer is deeply tied to themes of home, family, and protection, leading to an intricate mix of logic and emotion. Trump’s Cancer Mercury suggests he might protect his thoughts and be hesitant to express his true feelings. This protective layer could result in his communication being perceived as guarded or indirect.

Given Cancer’s nature, there might be significant emotional energy that influences Trump’s thought processes and verbal expressions. This placement suggests that his emotions are not easily separable from his logic, influencing how he articulates his ideas.

Wounds and Communication

Another significant factor in Trump’s chart is the presence of Chiron in the third house of communication. Chiron is often associated with wounds and healing. This placement could indicate past experiences that have impacted his ability to communicate clearly. There may have been early challenges related to learning, speaking, or even social interactions, affecting how he now communicates publicly.

These historical wounds might influence his relationships, particularly with siblings or early education, creating an ongoing challenge in expressing balance and fairness.

Mercury and Neptune: Confusion and Imagination

One of the more challenging aspects in Trump’s chart is the square between Mercury and Neptune. Squares typically indicate friction or conflict, and Neptune’s association with confusion, fantasy, and sometimes deception compounds this. This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or challenges in conveying clear and straightforward messages.

The square between Mercury and Neptune can contribute to perceptions of inconsistency or confusion in his statements. It’s possible that even when Trump is being honest, the way his messages are received might be muddled or ambiguous. Neptune’s influence can also add a layer of imagination and fantasy, which could contribute to a visionary but sometimes inconsistent communication style.

Community and Collective Consciousness

With Mercury in the 12th house, there’s a relationship to the larger collective and subconscious realms. Trump’s communication might tap into broader societal undercurrents, reflecting deeper, sometimes hidden collective fears and aspirations. This placement can indicate a capacity for inspirational ideas drawn from the collective unconscious.

Mercury’s intuitive nature in Cancer, combined with its placement in the 12th house, suggests that Trump has an intuitive grasp of what resonates with the public, even if it’s not always conveyed clearly. This intuitive connection can be powerful but also challenging to articulate clearly.

Mercury in Cancer: Intuitive Connections

Being in Cancer, Mercury takes on a psychic, intuitive quality. Water signs, and Cancer in particular, are not inherently clear communicators in the logical sense but excel in conveying emotional truths. Trump’s Mercury placement implies that he might receive insights or ideas that resonate on an emotional level with the collective.

This intuitive communication style can be both a strength and a source of misunderstanding, as the emotional weight of his messages might get lost or misunderstood in a more literal or logical context.


Understanding Donald Trump’s Mercury in Cancer in the 12th house provides insight into his unique communication style. The interplay of emotional depth, intuition, and hidden fears shapes how he articulates his thoughts and engages with the public. It’s a complex blend of protective instincts, visionary ideas, and deep-seated challenges that define his astrological communication signature.


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