Pier Stith

Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Rising

Journey to Self-Knowledge and Holistic Wellness

Over 25 years ago (during my first Saturn return), I was practicing law at an international law firm, and feeling as though I “had made it.” But I was saying to myself, “What have I made?” Certainly, it was a life many envied, and I was extremely grateful. But I was still unfulfilled and feeling restless and in need of something more. I stumbled upon many old and new techniques for self-understanding, which opened up a whole new world, a fresh perspective, and self-confirmation.

I have consolidated what I’ve learned over the years about holistic, energy, and metaphysical wellness. And I am dedicated to using my intuitive and healing abilities, compassion, and humor to assist you in taking charge of your life, wellness, and healing.

I have a goal of helping and showing you how to modulate your own bio-energetic fields and self-awareness to enhance your experience of vitality, clarity, health, personal power, and integrity.

Much of this is done through the use of astrology, and making you aware of previously unacknowledged parts of yourself. As my first spiritual teacher and mentor said, “Noticing fixes more than fixing.” Your own awareness and acceptance of yourself as you are can empower you without you having to do any specific thing at all. You begin to recognize yourself as the beautiful being that you are.

Since my first “spiritual awakening,” I have been on a journey of exploration and discovery of self through the lenses of metaphysical and physical health. The path to self-mastery is varied and on-going, and also takes a bit of courage that can only be found within yourself.

I would love to share this wild journey with others who are also seeking self-realization. I am certain that you will be opened to a new world of discovery about yourself and your own power when you commit to learning about yourself from an astrological and metaphysical perspective.

A Collection of Self-Knowledge Tools

In the beautifully mysterious ways of the universe, opportunity met desire at the same point in time, and I enrolled in a course called “Healing Through Humor,” with my first true spiritual teacher, Mick MacKenzie. It was at this point that the first layer of true healing occurred, and my eyes and soul were opened to how much more there really is in the world at unseen levels.

From there, I consumed all things metaphysical — a whole new universe opened up. I was first attuned to Reiki. Then I went on to become a certified Master Healer and Teacher after six years of study at Shirley Williams’ School of Transformation and Healing. Much of the energy work training there was based on Shirley’s studies at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. I also successfully completed “Chelation – The Art of a Full Body Treatment,” an energy healing course taught by Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere.

I went on to become a certified hypnotherapist after studies with Marilyn Gordon at the (more recently named) Center for Life Transformation and Hypnotherapy. Over the years, I continued self-study and development using the skills learned from my teachers and continued my ongoing healing with crystals, essential oils, flower essences, homeopathic remedies, archetypes, levels of consciousness, and much more. 

Interestingly, in 2016, when Neptune transited my North Node in Pisces and I was experiencing a nodal reversal, I became intensely interested in astrology. Since then, I have immersed myself in astrology. As I am an eternal student of everything that captures my interest, I continue to study astrology more formally now to gain a deeper understanding, theoretically and practically, in traditional astrology.

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